Landsat data are organized in tiers: Newly-acquired Landsat scenes are placed in the Real-Time (RT) tier. After reprocessing they are transitioned to either Tier 1 (T1; scenes with the highest available data quality, considered suitable for time-series analysis) or Tier 2 (T2; less accurate geometry). The Tier designation (T1, T2, RT) is indicated at the end of the Landsat Product Identifier.
The supported Landsat satellites include (see also Landsat satellite chronology):
Dataset Name | Dataset ID |
Landsat 5 TM Collection 1 Level 1 | landsat_tm_c1 |
Landsat 5 TM Collection 2 Level 1 | landsat_tm_c2_l1 |
Landsat 5 TM Collection 2 Level 2 | landsat_tm_c2_l2 |
Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 1 Level 1 | landsat_etm_c1 |
Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 2 Level 1 | landsat_etm_c2_l1 |
Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 2 Level 2 | landsat_etm_c2_l2 |
Landsat 8 Collection 1 Level 1 | landsat_8_c1 |
Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 1 | landsat_ot_c2_l1 |
Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 2 | landsat_ot_c2_l2 |
To connect to EarthExplorer both a user name and a password are required. See the register page for signing up. reads the user credentials either from the terminal or from the settings file. This file must contain two lines:
myusername mypassword
User credentials can be also defined interactively when settings=- is given. Note that interactive prompt does not work in the graphical user interface.
Insert username: myusername Insert password:
By default, only products which footprint intersects current computation region extent (area of interest, AOI) are filtered. The AOI can be optionally defined by a vector map. In this case, the vector extent will be used as AOI.
To only list available scenes, l flag must be set. If no start or end dates are provided, the module will search scenes from the past 60 days.
To download all scenes found within the time frame provided, the user must remove the l flag and provide an output directory. Otherwise, files will be downloaded into /tmp directory. To download only selected scenes, one or more IDs must be provided through the id option, along with the settings file and an output directory. In addition, a timeout (in seconds) can be set to define how long a request should wait for a response before aborting (default is 300 seconds). -l settings=credentials.txt \ dataset=landsat_8_c1 clouds=15 \ start='2018-08-24' end='2018-12-21' settings=credentials.txt \ dataset=landsat_8_c1 clouds=15 \ start='2018-08-24' end='2018-12-21' \ timeout=600 settings=credentials.txt \ id=LC81391162018338LGN00,LC81301172018339LGN00 \ output=/tmp
pip install landsatxplore
)i.landsat.import,, i.landsat.toar
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